Telugu superstar Allu Arjun has been granted regular bail in connection with a stampede incident donning a new hairstyle. It occurred during the premiere of his film Pushpa 2: The Rule leading to the tragic death of a woman at Sandhya Theatre. Today, the actor appeared at the Nampally court to finalize the formalities for his bail surety, showcasing a fresh look with short hair and a beard.
Allu Arjun dons new hairstyle after being granted bail
During the court proceedings, Allu Arjun was instructed to provide two sureties, each requiring a bond of Rs 50,000. He is also mandated to report to the investigating officer every Sunday from 10 am to 1 pm for the next two months, or until the charge sheet is filed.
Finally after 4 years ..
— Allu Arjun TFC™ (@AlluArjunTFC) January 4, 2025
Hair cut & Beard trim 😍 @alluarjun Stylish star Mode on ❤️🔥
In viral videos from the court appearance, Allu Arjun was seen sporting his new hairstyle. This marks a departure from his previous character’s long hair and beard in Pushpa. He was dressed in a sleek black shirt and trousers. In another clip, he happily snapped a selfie with a fan before shaking hands with his lawyer as he left the court to return to his home in Jubilee Hills.
The court emphasized that the petitioner must not interfere with the investigation in any way, nor should he attempt to influence any witnesses. Additionally, Allu Arjun has been instructed not to change his residential address without notifying the court until the case is resolved. He is also prohibited from leaving India without prior permission from the court.
#WATCH | Hyderabad, Telangana: Actor Allu Arjun arrives at Metropolitan Criminal Court at Nampally in Hyderabad
— ANI (@ANI) January 4, 2025
He will submit the sureties today after he was granted regular bail by the Court yesterday in the Sandhya Theatre incident case.
About Pushpa 2 stampede incident
The incident occurred on December 4 at Sandhya Theatre in Hyderabad. A 35-year-old woman died and her 8-year-old son was injured in a stampede-like situation. A large crowd gathered there to witness a glimpse of the actor who arrived for the Pushpa 2 screening. After the incident, the actor was arrested and granted interim bail. Things got ugly when even protestors vandalised his house.
Allu Arjun’s children whisked away during attack
On Sunday, December 22, a startling incident unfolded at Allu Arjun’s residence in Jubilee Hills. A group of eight individuals, reportedly affiliated with Osmania University, launched an aggressive assault on the property. They vandalized the premises, brandished protest placards, burned an effigy of the actor, and shattered plant pots, resulting in considerable damage. During the chaos, the children of Allu Arjun, Ayaan and Arha were hurriedly evacuated for their safety.
The attackers orchestrated this protest to demand Rs 1 crore in compensation for the victim’s family. This unfortunate event occurred at Sandhya Theatre. Allu Arjun attended the premiere of his film, Pushpa 2: The Rule. Additionally, Revathi’s nine-year-old son, Sri Tej, was critically injured in the stampede and is currently under medical care.